9s 379

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9s 379 – Oct-Dec 2024


  • 2 President’s Letter by Shelly Baxter
  • 3 Editor’s Letter by Greg Abbott
  • 4 Concours d’Saab Winners
  • 7 Special Award Winners
  • 8 Ring-A-Ding Revival by Brian Stauss
  • 10 IntSAAB : Saabs Across the Pond by Sandy Bogage
  • 12 Saabs at the Gilmore Car Museum by Theresa Brade
  • 13 Saab Club Online
  • 14 SOC41 Photos
  • 16 People’s Choice Winners
  • 20 Swedish Car Day by Ed Lorenz
  • 22 An Old Man and His Saab by Bob Ruder
  • 24 Maggie Valley Eurofest by Jt Smith
  • 26 Saab Club Info
  • 28 Tusen Tack!
  • 29 Future Events

SCNA President’s Letter by Michelle Baxter

Hello fellow SAABers!

We are coming up on our favorite season…….Fall TURBO season! Are you excited to hear the sweet
sound of your sweet Saab as it spools up? I know I am!

We had a wonderful turnout at SOC41 in Portland this summer. So many things to do, and so little
time. From multiple runs up Maryhill Loops Road to how to rebuild a classic 900 gearbox, our dance
card was full throughout the weekend! Thank you to those who attended in person and those of you
who attended virtually through our social media. The Board is already hard at work looking for our
next year’s location in the Northeast part of the country. As we get more details together, be sure
to look for an email or a social media post with more information in the coming months. It just
might make the perfect Christmas or Hannakah present for a Saab nut.

As Fall quickly approaches, and the year begins to come into full holiday swing, I have to ask my
fellow Saab nuts what Fall events are you hosting? Have you thought about hosting a local drive or
get-together but don’t know where to start? Please feel free to reach out to this year’s Board for
inspiration or help in hosting your next local event! Send an email to info@saabclub.com. We would
love to have the chance to give you that helping hand while planning your next Saab gathering.

Speaking of gathering, I hope that you have had a chance to go over to the website and take a look
at one of our new features, a local Saab event calendar! Everyone is invited to turn in your next
Saab event for the National Club to put it on the calendar. We are looking forward to being able to
have a central location for you to find all your new SAABin’ friends!

Next year we have some big plans, so stay tuned in the coming months on saabclub.com.

As Always, Keep on SAABin!
Shelly Baxter
SCNA President