Jake Tilton

Jake Tilton, Director

Boston, MA

Jake Tilton remembers the first day he saw a 900 amble up the driveway at age 5; the first time he played with the mesmerizing and chunky buttons, knobs, and switches in a ratty beater 900 (belonging to his sister’s ex); his first-ever Saab show at age 12; and dragging his Mom to the New York Auto Show and to the local Saab dealer to check out the 2010 9-5. In 2017, he made numerous spreadsheets and presentations to convince his parents to buy a 2011 9-3X (he failed), so on a whim Jake flew to Virginia to buy an ’07 9-5 SportCombi. He has never looked back. During the pandemic he acquired an ’84 900 Turbo (which he drove to the Sturgis show from CT) and knows he’s doomed to buy many, many more Saabs in the near future. Jake has been active in SCNA since the Albany SOC, writing articles for 9s Magazine and proudly displaying his SCNA stickers on both of his cars since joining. When not scavenging for Saab parts/accessories/memorabilia, detailing his cars, or wondering why the universe cursed him with another expensive repair bill, he’s a market researcher and consultant in the Boston area.