Welcome to the Saab Club of North America!
SOC42 Registration is now open!
Register for the hotel! Register for the convention! View the schedule! Register for TRACK DAY!

We’re going to New Jersey!
July 16-20, 2025
July 16th – Track Day; July 17-20, 2025 Convention
Hello fellow SAABers!
SOC42 will be held at the Sheraton Parsippany Hotel, New Jersey. July 16-20, 2025. We are super-excited to be in the northeast – although folks will ask why New Jersey? I know, we may be pushing the definition of ‘northeast’, but we have a very good reason. As you know, every year we have a theme for SOC. Those of you that have come to SOC over the years know we have celebrated everything from Viggen Anniversaries to SOC41 marking our commitment to Local Clubs. This year’s theme is all based on PARTS. And so is our New Jersey location. We’d like to welcome back the SOC Parts Tent. New Jersey is the location of Saab Original. So you can start doing the math…I have a few other important updates too. Our survey has turned up some feedback we are acting on. You wanted more value-based options for Registration – we are delivering. And although we have tried to be flexible in the past with a-la-carte options, we are going to be now offer an all-in option for the best price in years. And every year we strive to get information and registration out as quickly as possible. We heard you there too. As soon as we get Event Registration open – you will know.
Hotel Registration is open now.
You can make your hotel reservations here.
We are planning on having our usual Track Day event on Wednesday the 16th too – more to come soon.
Get ready to rename Parsippany to PARTSippany in July!
Keep on Saabin!
– Shelly Baxter, President SCNA